Saturday, June 16, 2012

Father's Day 2012

I wish I could say that I've been planning a gift for Father's Day... you know, since last month. But I'd be lying. Often I will start thinking and working on things way early, but I don't seem to get anywhere until the last minute. I guess I just work a little better under pressure.

So this morning, I am surfing the web and find the cutest idea for a Father's Day gift for anyone with 3 small kids. Sure, I have two. But seeing as how they're 14 years apart, and one is out of the house, I kinda think of them both as only children. So, I take this idea and twist it around until it works for me and Sophie to do.

I'd love to give credit for the original idea, but I can't for the life of me remember the name of the blog, or find it again. The original blogger took a photo from the knees down of each of her 3 children, wearing the same pair of their father's work boots. The best photo was the last one. The only one young enough for diapers and the boots came all the way up to the bottom of the diaper. So funny!
Even though that was so cute it was giggle-worthy, the sentiment was a very serious biblical quote. I don't know the quote myself and didn't plan on using it, so I don't remember it either.
If anyone knows who's blog that idea was on, please leave it in the comments section and I'll be more than happy to link it here. :)

Anyway, since I don't have 3 kids to use for this idea I started thinking about how to do it with just one. I let Sophie pick out a pair of shoes, a shirt and a hat of Bryan's. Then I took photos of her in each item, uploaded the photos and converted them to black and white. I printed out the photos on glossy photo paper, cut them to size, and came up with the saying, which I then printed out on white card stock. I gathered a thick black frame I had stuffed in the craft room closet, a piece of red card stock (cut down to the same size as the fake photo insert the frame came with), and some double-sided tape. Then I mounted the photos and the saying onto the red background. As Sophie would say, "Waalaa!"

I think Daddy's really going to love this one. And it occurs to me now that I DO know why I can't ever get anything done before the last minute! I have a hard time not giving the presents out early. In fact, I'll be struggling not to give him this gift tonight instead of waiting until tomorrow. LOL

Here are a couple of the other photos I took but didn't make it into the final project.

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