Thursday, February 9, 2012

Rapunzel Doll Giveaway at the Cookie & Claire Blog!

Anyone with a little girl in your life needs to run visit the Cookie & Claire Blog to enter to win a Rapunzel Doll!
It's a wonderful blog I found through Pinterest and she had a great tip posted for combing the Rapunzel doll's hair. The post became so popular that the Tollytots company contacted her to sponsor a giveaway for her readers.

I love her story of getting the email from Tollytots, because I can so relate! I just went through a similar range of emotions when I got published in the Taste of Home book back in... October or November. I can't remember, but scroll back through my blog if you missed that post. I thought the package was going to cost me money and/or time to return it, but instead found out they'd published one of my original recipes!

Anyway, with the length of Sophie's hair and how much she loves it and the movie Tangled, I know we'd have a lot of fun with the Rapunzel doll.

So now, go check out her blog and enter yourself in the Rapunzel giveaway also!

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